Hello and Happy Thanksgiving a day early! Haha
Well this week was good! it's been a good last week!
Thursday - it was TRC day! It was the last one! wow! it was a good one though. We taught (Elders VDG, G, and I) about how we receive revaluation through prayer. it was good We taught with the power of a threesome companionship and it was strong! It was a good day only this one highlight but it was good! Got my Travel plans!!! Monday im out of here! 5 am from the MTC.
Friday - Well today was good as well just not very busy and to tell you the truth I am not that busy learning things now its all just a review. It was good we taught Monica about the ley de castidad (law of Chasity) She took it really well.
Saturday - Wow this week sounds really boring! Sorry. We taught Sylvan and Gunther and it was good. Played a game with the Spanish language and Elder H and I where together and well We won!!! we took GOLD!!! We won 10 to 8 to 6 we only pulled it out for a close win.
Sunday - Prepared Sacrament for the last time. Then Elder VDG and I blessed the sacrament in Spanish and it was good. Spanish is tough but I'm getting the hang of it. We had President McIff the MTC first counselor speak to us and it was very good. He talked to us about personal Fitness. It was good for sure!
Monday - One Week left! it was a good day for sure! this is the highlight of the week. in the morning Elder VDG and I taught Monica for the last time! and let me tell you it was the Number one best lesson we have ever had! we taught her about Baptism cause she is getting baptized Monday and we went through the questions and wow!!! we asked about how she felt and she said she was nervous and we whipped out Ether 12:6 and told her that through our trills we are made stronger. It was great the Spirit totally took the lesson and took it. it was like we where on a highway to the good life. that was just amazing!!!!
Tuesday - It was day of lasts! it was our last Gym in which i played very well in Volleyball and then it was a last with Samuel and it was a last for our Tuesday Devotionals, Elder Peiper spoke to us about agency and so it was good. then it was a last time to see President Mortensen. He is our Branch President and he wont be there Sunday so he came and gave us hugs and told us how proud he was of each of us. it was a good day, got a package of stuff for me to go to Mexico on Monday! the Threesome took on Samuel and we are baptizing him! its going to be great!
Today - last temple visit and last P- Day in the MTC! its been crazy Wrote people had a fiesta with the District now its our last time seeing Sis. Heinzen and its going to be a good one! and i was locked out of my Email so i am just trying to finish up before class here!
the MTC has been great!!!! it's been full of spiritual greatness! now ill get on a plane and take off and not return to the US until 2014! so here i go!!! Hope all are well! sorry it was a not a lot to do week but next week is going to be a WOW week and ill learn how much Spainsh i don't know. but I know that i can do anything in the world cause I have God on my side!! I will boast in him all day long and I will do it to bring others unto him!
Love you All!!!!
Elder Jaymes A Monson
This is my District right before Elder Simpson Left With Hermana Heinzen
It's E. Hastain, Roberts, Cerdhe, Garcia, Sis. Heinzen, Simpson, me, Sayama, & VDG
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