Hola Como Esta?
Week Three!!! wow i can tell you it really has felt like a month or two. its weird the days go by fast like really fast but the weeks seem to creep by! its really weird but anyways. Let me tell you about my week here at the MTC.
Thursday - Wow what a day!! first of all Elder Van De Graaff and I were preparing to teach Monica when another Dilemma We got a new Investigator His Name is Samuel. So we were trying to prepare for both so i took Monica and he took Samuel. So as we were preparing Brother Welch came in and said, "oh don't forget to prepare for TRC." What TRC!!!!! no way! so we where freaking out!!! So now I was freaking out the most! thinking oh man what am i supposed to do!!! i cant just drop one lesson. So i scrambled to try and figure out what to say to these members who wanted us to teach them something but what to do! So i started to pray and i prayed and prayed mostly about the language!!So ya we went to TRC and as usual Elder VDG didn't let me speak so i had no clue where we were or what was going on. But it went good i guess i looked like an idiot cause my companion taught my part of the lesson. but OK whatever. So ya it was good. Then i prepared for Monica. Which was good. So a good day in of it's elf.
Friday - The day i will long remember. I prepared for Monica had some Chocolate Pancakes and went with my head held high into the room no notes just my little Spanish and my memory of the simple truths of the gospel in a language still today i can’t speak. But Elder VDG and I said a quick prayer and we went in. I Elder Jaymes Monson taught the whole lesson!!! in Spanish!!! i taught about the truths of the Book of Mormon and asked her to read it and challenged her to Baptism!!! Wahoo! I did it. Well that's not really that correct the Spirit of God! the Holy Ghost through me taught the lesson in Spanish. I have no clue what i said but it is not really that important. I taugh a lesson! Sister Heinzen a.k.a Monica went back to the room with us and she said, "Elder Monson, Wow you taught the most basic thing through the Holy ghost and even I a member wanted to be baptized again!" oh Ya i am Awesome!!! haha so it was a good day!
Saturday - Today was an alright day, Elder VDG and I got closer together just by talking it up for awhile during Comp Study. We had gym and as a district we played Volleyball, which i play all the time, but it was awesome! It was Elder Rudd and Elder Huber's last gym time which was cool, before they set of to Peru on Tuesday. It was a good simple day compared to the other two. Just a lot of class work and a lot of studying.
Sunday - Sunday was as Good as any other but the fact that it was an actual Sunday. We have Church at 8 am, :0 yep its sometimes a doozy!. :) but it was great Elder VDG and I passed the Sacrament to our Branch. We then had two talks in Spanish from Missionaries and then a Member of the District Presidency spoke to us, President Seaman talked to us about the two things to know. Remember Who's you are (Mom I'm Yours) and also who you are. There is a reason our names and Jesus Christ are the biggest things on our name tags. Its cause we represent our Families so for me it's the Monson Family and we represent Jesus Christ. so two important things. then after Sacrament Elder VDG and I where extended a call to be the Sacrament Coordinators. then Elder Huber our old District was released and Elder Hastein is know the new District leader. Then our ZL's where replaced as well cause they are leaving next week so a good Sunday for changes. Then we went on a pleasured Sunday walk around the Temple. then my Companion left me. well we exchanged i got to be with Elder Oliver Who is from France. Paris to be exact. We then talked about Paris and how he got converted to the church just 3 years ago! what a great soul, man what a testament as well. He said that after he serves in Canada he will invite me over sometime. Haha! So Sunday a great day for sure!!!
Monday - Well Monday We taught Samuel and that was pathetic, Elder VDG as usual didn't let me speak and well it was sort of dumb to say the least. so then I worked ALL DAY to memorize the first vision in Spanish but no way! i did not get that all the way done almost all of it but not the whole thing. Monday was a usual Study study study study day! you feel the Spirit the whole way through as well.
Tuesday - Happy Birthday Dad!!! Well yesterday was Tuesday and it was a typical Tuesday here more studying!!! Elder Huber and Rudd left for the Peru MTC and they left at 6 am here and got to Peru at 11:45 Peru time so ya they had a super long day yesterday. So anyway I studied and and Studied and played Volleyball then Studied and Studied some more. Then was the Best part of Tuesdays!!! Devotional!!! yay!! Elder Bowen of the 70 spoke to us and well it was fabulous!!! such a good talk about how God has a plan for each of us and he knows what we are to do because he is all seeing! ya it was awesome also we learned the best way to see miracles is to Be obedient and also work hard and we will see them! it was awesome!!! Good Day!!!
Wednesday - Started out in the temple. Wrote letters and now wrote this Email. What a good Day!!! also i think i have pictures to show you!!! wahoo!
Signing off for a week
Elder Jaymes A Monson
Week Three!!! wow i can tell you it really has felt like a month or two. its weird the days go by fast like really fast but the weeks seem to creep by! its really weird but anyways. Let me tell you about my week here at the MTC.
Thursday - Wow what a day!! first of all Elder Van De Graaff and I were preparing to teach Monica when another Dilemma We got a new Investigator His Name is Samuel. So we were trying to prepare for both so i took Monica and he took Samuel. So as we were preparing Brother Welch came in and said, "oh don't forget to prepare for TRC." What TRC!!!!! no way! so we where freaking out!!! So now I was freaking out the most! thinking oh man what am i supposed to do!!! i cant just drop one lesson. So i scrambled to try and figure out what to say to these members who wanted us to teach them something but what to do! So i started to pray and i prayed and prayed mostly about the language!!So ya we went to TRC and as usual Elder VDG didn't let me speak so i had no clue where we were or what was going on. But it went good i guess i looked like an idiot cause my companion taught my part of the lesson. but OK whatever. So ya it was good. Then i prepared for Monica. Which was good. So a good day in of it's elf.
Friday - The day i will long remember. I prepared for Monica had some Chocolate Pancakes and went with my head held high into the room no notes just my little Spanish and my memory of the simple truths of the gospel in a language still today i can’t speak. But Elder VDG and I said a quick prayer and we went in. I Elder Jaymes Monson taught the whole lesson!!! in Spanish!!! i taught about the truths of the Book of Mormon and asked her to read it and challenged her to Baptism!!! Wahoo! I did it. Well that's not really that correct the Spirit of God! the Holy Ghost through me taught the lesson in Spanish. I have no clue what i said but it is not really that important. I taugh a lesson! Sister Heinzen a.k.a Monica went back to the room with us and she said, "Elder Monson, Wow you taught the most basic thing through the Holy ghost and even I a member wanted to be baptized again!" oh Ya i am Awesome!!! haha so it was a good day!
Saturday - Today was an alright day, Elder VDG and I got closer together just by talking it up for awhile during Comp Study. We had gym and as a district we played Volleyball, which i play all the time, but it was awesome! It was Elder Rudd and Elder Huber's last gym time which was cool, before they set of to Peru on Tuesday. It was a good simple day compared to the other two. Just a lot of class work and a lot of studying.
Sunday - Sunday was as Good as any other but the fact that it was an actual Sunday. We have Church at 8 am, :0 yep its sometimes a doozy!. :) but it was great Elder VDG and I passed the Sacrament to our Branch. We then had two talks in Spanish from Missionaries and then a Member of the District Presidency spoke to us, President Seaman talked to us about the two things to know. Remember Who's you are (Mom I'm Yours) and also who you are. There is a reason our names and Jesus Christ are the biggest things on our name tags. Its cause we represent our Families so for me it's the Monson Family and we represent Jesus Christ. so two important things. then after Sacrament Elder VDG and I where extended a call to be the Sacrament Coordinators. then Elder Huber our old District was released and Elder Hastein is know the new District leader. Then our ZL's where replaced as well cause they are leaving next week so a good Sunday for changes. Then we went on a pleasured Sunday walk around the Temple. then my Companion left me. well we exchanged i got to be with Elder Oliver Who is from France. Paris to be exact. We then talked about Paris and how he got converted to the church just 3 years ago! what a great soul, man what a testament as well. He said that after he serves in Canada he will invite me over sometime. Haha! So Sunday a great day for sure!!!
Monday - Well Monday We taught Samuel and that was pathetic, Elder VDG as usual didn't let me speak and well it was sort of dumb to say the least. so then I worked ALL DAY to memorize the first vision in Spanish but no way! i did not get that all the way done almost all of it but not the whole thing. Monday was a usual Study study study study day! you feel the Spirit the whole way through as well.
Tuesday - Happy Birthday Dad!!! Well yesterday was Tuesday and it was a typical Tuesday here more studying!!! Elder Huber and Rudd left for the Peru MTC and they left at 6 am here and got to Peru at 11:45 Peru time so ya they had a super long day yesterday. So anyway I studied and and Studied and played Volleyball then Studied and Studied some more. Then was the Best part of Tuesdays!!! Devotional!!! yay!! Elder Bowen of the 70 spoke to us and well it was fabulous!!! such a good talk about how God has a plan for each of us and he knows what we are to do because he is all seeing! ya it was awesome also we learned the best way to see miracles is to Be obedient and also work hard and we will see them! it was awesome!!! Good Day!!!
Wednesday - Started out in the temple. Wrote letters and now wrote this Email. What a good Day!!! also i think i have pictures to show you!!! wahoo!
Signing off for a week
Elder Jaymes A Monson
Our District by the Map |
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District at the Temple |
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My Comp and I |
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Elder VDG and Elder Monson |
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love this statue on MTC campus |
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