Well hello from way down in Mexico!
Well to start off its been a bit chilly lately. so Monday
through mid-day Wednesday was pretty good warm hot and all other things dealing
with living closer to the equator. But then Wednesday
afternoon hit and the wind started to whip down the dirt streets and this is
sometimes usual but this time it came whipping down from the ocean. Now if you
know anything about a wind coming from the ocean at least in Ixhuatan Mexico
you would know that HOLY COW that's a cold wind. So that came and well the
temperature dropped people brought out their winter coats like winter coats for
Utah's winter and didn't really come out of their houses. But two missionaries
(me and my comp) put on Sweaters and took the city by storm and well I "caught" a cold
in this storm and well it made Thursday night through yesterday pretty
"stuffed" days haha. But now i am doing better i feel better and well
i hope it completely goes away so that i can stop sneezing and stop sounding like a
bass singer haha. Its hard being a bass when you want to be a tenor haha. Well
anyways this week was a good week. so much was done and so many people have
said no- so ya its been hard- but its been good too. Thursday I went with Jared
Alvarez a 16 year old and went on splits with him and taught three young men, 21 20 and 15 year old, about the restoration and that was good. good to see
them try to change their life's for what they want for the future. Saturday I
was stuffed up but went on splits again and this time with Eric a 17 year old
who plans to serve, like his older brother, in June. his brother got home last
June, anyway a good week.
this is my thought for today. While I have been out here I
have seen people change their lives for what they believe is true and they
sometimes take a total turn around. But the significance of ONE CHOICE is all
that makes the decision. One Decision to except the missionaries, One Decision
to follow Christ for their whole lives, One Decision to serve a mission. Our
lives are full of decisions but some of them, if we make them before hand, would
be a lot easier in the long run. for example, I made a decision at age 12 to
serve a mission at age 19 or as soon as possible. then when that time came I
didn't have to decide to serve or not I had already decided. There are many of
these decisions that if made earlier are a lot better when the time comes. but
for these people Like Yeseina, my first convert, I helped all the way through the
process. We were talking on Tuesday (After you baptize someone you are supposed
to go back through all the lessons) now this was a great opportunity last
Tuesday to go through lesson one the Restoration. This was an awesome lesson
probably my favorite one since entering the Mission Field. We sat down and
went through the lesson and all of a sudden we started talking about how great this gospel really is and how it blesses our lives!!! it was awesome. But then
we started talking about decisions and how she made one decision to come and sit
down and listen to these two young men and to hear what they have to say. She
made a decision that know changed her life. Elder Picuasi Joined in and said
that two and a half years ago he decided to except two missionaries in and now his
life has changed and he is here in Ixhuatan serving a mission for that same
church that came to his door. I have made many of these decisions that have shaped
my life. Decisions shape who we are. one decision comes to mind when I was
playing a soccer game and decided to go for a header and ended up on the ground
with a broken wrist. or a positive decision was when I decided to not fight
against my dad and got up on skis and now can see why he constantly
didn't give up on me in trying to make me see, what today i love to do.
Sometimes decisions start off super hard but since we decided to do them lets
finish them. I decided to serve a mission which in the beginning was tough but
right now and forever it will bless my life. somethings are rough to start but
we can do anything if we just keep going through- there is light at the
end of the tunnel. The significance of one decision is absolutely the one that
makes it. The hardest step is always the first one, but after that it just gets
easier. The Greatest step is the first so make the first one and everything
else will fall into place. But if you make the decision you need to stick to
it. If you decide to follow Christ then you follow Christ in all thing 100% of
the time not 98% of the time. President Monson's talk in October 2010 the 3 R's
of choice is a great talk all about choices and that just came to my head haha.
Well lets make some good choices maybe if its cold you might want to but a coat
on! haha or if your car needs gas maybe go fill it up. We make choices every
second so What choice are you going to make next? you already chose to read
this Email! haha
Anyways!!! I hope you have had a great week!!! its actually
really nice here 70s and 80s are pretty nice!!! Its nice to not sweat all the
time. well anyways just have a great week and make some good choices!
Well where ever you are and whatever weather you have just remember sometimes
taking a break for a moment and remember the things that matter most like- if
its cold wear a jacket or spending time with people you love. That's all that makes
the difference. One decision Keeps you from getting "greepa" or a cold and the other keeps
you close to the ones you love.
What a great Work this is. My mom told me that If I just
said in my Letters "The Church is true" then there might be a
punishment. haha But I know this Church is true. The Whole reason I left and
the whole reason why people like Paden Mecham, who becomes Elder Mecham on
Wednesday. The whole reason we serve is because we know its true and we want to
share it with the world. to Paden Welcome to the front lines of the Army of the Lord. To everyone else, Don't worry we will protect and fortify the army!! This Church is true. God does really help and protect his own!!! I have
felt and seen his hand in my life and in my Mission especially. What a great
Call to serve the king of kings!!! I love this Call!!! true its hard at times
but it is the best experience ever!!!
Well Love you ALL!!! Have a wonderful Week!!! by next week i
will have been out four months!!! wow! it goes fast once you get fully thrown
in haha.
Well as always! Its a Great Day to be a Mormon!!!
Elder Jaymes A. Monson
Laundry Day! |
Cool weather attire |
lunch... enchiladas |
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