Hello Everyone!!!
out our apartment window |
everyone is just great!!! This week was good it had a bit of a rough beginning
but then we hit Friday and we made it back to a great week. This week i have
been studying about the priesthood just a bit and about the power of the
priesthood that really is a power that comes from god. and what a power it is.
it really comes from god. Saturday an Elder from my district got sick. and
his companion went with Elder Zambrano to some lessons that were important
for them to be in so i got to spend a little time talking with this Elder. he
asked me to give him a blessing and i said of course I will i would be honored.
in this blessing I felt that I needed to say that in the morning he would wake
up and continue his work and not be sick. the next morning he woke up and was
better, not completely better, but he could go to church and he could go and do
the lord's work. it was a special opportunity for me to use the priesthood and to
give him a simple blessing but then the power of god acted through me.
Ok well
maybe I was thinking in Spanish and trying to translate it into English but you
should get the idea. President told us that to magnify our callings as
missionaries and as members we will show our diligence to him. we take the sins
of others upon us as we teach and make them clean through the sacrifice of
Christ. its very interesting there is a reason why the Elders don't go to all
the meetings with the ward. President said its because it doesn't matter what
punch the sisters are bringing to the party and because we have a better work
to do than to plan the next party. he told us that we are already being
drug spiritually with our investigators and what does it matter what kind
of punch is brought we will still drink it haha. We each have a calling from god
and well I am right now a Missionary and my calling to work with the people to
help them know of the love that god has for them. after I will be a member and
will have a different calling I will be helping the work go forth through a
different way. the meaning of a member is a missionary as well but to help the
missionaries to find people and to help our friends learn the gospel. and well
then the missionaries and I will work together and we will bring everyone into
the arms of Christ. because each one of us knows the love god has for his
children and we feel it and we should want to share it. Every member a
hope that my thought from the week made it out clear but sorry if they don't
because well Spanish is taking over the English and i have no idea
sometimes what things mean in English haha. but the gift of tongues is a great
tool and I have seen it do wonders with me and as the spirit speaks through my
companion and I.
the Picture of the two good looking guys, Yes I know Im good looking haha, is
from the conference where suits are the attire, its kind of a formal thing haha.
and the other one is us looking for people to visit haha not really, but it is
sort of cool to walk through a Field like this.
cooking breakfast |
I hope you had a great week and hope this week is a good one for you as well.
you all!
Jaymes Monson
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