Monday, September 10, 2012

Farewell-What an amazing day!

Elder Monson's Farewell 
Sunday September 9, 2012

I can honestly not believe my son is leaving on a mission!  It all seems surreal and a little bit overwhelming. I am full of too many emotions.  Time has traveled by so quickly, I can still remember bringing him home from the hospital, his sweet toddler years (such a good big brother to Tyler), his first day of Kindergarten, watching him play soccer from age 5-18, a few heartaches a long the way with a broken leg and arm, when he passed the drivers permit exam, when he received the aaronic priesthood and became a squirly deacon, when he asked his first date to Homecoming - with bananas and a monkey, when his favorite toy was the fisher price farm or the 4x4 truck and horse trailer. I will forever remember talking and sharing our days journey's, trials and joys.  He has been a "protector" of his Mom and a caretaker for his family.  I know all of these moments and experiences will be enhanced as he serves the people in Mexico.  They are in for a treat!

So as you can imagine I sat in sacrament meeting and listened to my now big adult son speak and thought, wow, what a great MAN!  His talk was beautiful, heart felt and sincere.  He used scriptures and quotes and spoke eloquently about the Holy Ghost.  He testified of eternal families, temples, scrpitures and Jesus Christ.  He expressed love for his family, for his own father (also his Bishop) who has taught him to love the gospel through his example and word.  He spoke about his love of being home and the feeling there (thank you Jaymes!) and his excitement to serve the Lord.  He told about how he has planned, with parents help, to serve a mission and looks forward to the day after his mission to be married and sealed in the temple.  He thanked his family, his leaders and friends for their support and help.

John and Jaymes
Monson cousins (some of them)
Megan and Jackie
Brayden, Connor and Brandon

Barney Family


Brandon, Kellie and Mike

Dave and Jeanine, Alec, Caleb and Grandpa


Grandpa, Heather, cousins

Garrett, Nic, Jackie

Tyler and friends

Mecham Family


Grandma Hunter with Jaymes

Garrett, Jaymes, Lyndsay and Grandpa

Grandpa Payne and Grandma Hunter
There were so many people there to support him I am so grateful for all of them being there.  After sacrament meeting we had a dinner at our house, thankful for the beautiful weather, and served many many family and friends.  All in all a wonderful day and I wouldn't trade it for anything!  I just hope I remember it since a few pictures only capture a little bit of the day.

And now the last bit of preparations begin!  Sewing name tags on everything, buying the last few things, spending as much time together as possible and loving every minute of it. 16 days and counting!  Yikes! 

love you Jaymes!

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