How is everyone today???
(editors note:
What a beautiful example of strength, hope and faith. Makes a Mom weep!)
Its sort of funny because the members and the
investigators tell us we are "ANGELS" or we are their angels that’s
why we have so many people to take care of haha. But if we are the angels they
say then,
speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of
Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold,
the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.
now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be
because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the
light, but must perish in the dark”.
We are angles we speak the words people need to hear and
it’s their decision to accept or not. We are sent from God to preach the gospel
and to be Representatives of Jesus Christ. The thing is the Holy Ghost takes
care of a lot of things we need. “
The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging
scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting
dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever”.
(Doc.& Cov. 121:46)
Its been 18 months and well its gone fast but you know
what I have lived and loved every moment. And I would not change any part. The
fun and the greatness of the members and their willingness to serve, the heat
of the sun that makes you feel like someone is frying you in a frying pan! the
happiness of being a Son of God, and the amazement the changes the Lord can do
through his atonement, the feeling of peace and the legs that are absolutely ready
to break in two as you sit in your hammock thinking of the day and how grateful
you are to be able to recharge the batteries to wake up and do it again. The
good feelings you get as you drink cold water when you are super hot and the
willingness to fall asleep in 10 seconds, the feeling of the constant companion
the spirit and the good feeling you feel when you and your companion leave a
lesson smiling and just ready to keep going and the smile of a young kid a baby
an adult to know the love the God is eternal. The eyes ready to cry when you
know someone has done it and they are crying and your ready to. What a
wonderful feeling to be a missionary. 6 months left and well who knows what
else will go on. I will remember my mission forever and ever and will talk
about it forever as well. I love this work!!!
Elder Jaymes Monson
(editors note: As a mother, I feel
so blessed to have a willing son to serve his Heavenly Father even when he is
not sure how to do it or nervous about how it will all turn out. I’m grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who
has taken this boy and changed him to a loving, compassionate, sensitive to the
spirit Man! What an amazing journey this
is. Words can not describe how this has
changed me and solidified my testimony that God lives, that he know us, each
one no matter where we are and that hastening the work of the Lord is to
provide this foundation of faith in a loving Heavenly Father to EVERY
person. What an important work sharing
the gospel is and how blessed I am to have two sons out willing to do what it
takes to help all of God’s children and bring them to Him.)
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