Its mango season and the picture is of Emmanuel getting down some mangoes from Juan's ranch.
this week was pretty good lots of movement in the outer areas of our area because they are filled with mangoes so we have been trying to teach some people out there but its not working too well haha. but it was alright. this week I was reading in Alma about a guy named Amuleck who gave up everything to help Alma out in the work of salvation. it was a a pretty great momentum builder because he just knew who he was supposed to be and he went and did it.
this week in our zone training meeting we learned about how we should live up to our full potential and i was thinking, am I working to my full potential? well i have been a bit under the weather so right now no but when I'm better or when i was better am i?
As you read the scriptures and listen to the words of the prophets with all your heart and mind, the Lord will tell you how to live up to your priesthood privileges. Don’t let a day go by without doing something to act on the promptings of the Spirit.
Its like me in meetings sometimes nodding and saying well president that would be our dream to baptize every week but im the execption haha or we have the plate of answers infront of us and we don't take from it! Elder Scott tells us this With all my capacity I encourage you to discover who you really are. … I urge you to discern through the Spirit your divinely given capacities. We should look at what we can be and not what we were the truth is we all have a big potential like president Monson talked about in his talk form oct 2012 about seeing men as they can be. lots of time there are people we visit or the missionaries come to your home and they ask you for a refual or someone you can help teach. and a name comes to mind but then you say no why would they ever want to they are Catholic like they say here or baptist or Jewish or what ever reason that comes to our heads. President taught us this last conferance with our contacts as we approach someone we have so many taught and well lots of them are negative but if we go up confidently and we dont think otherwise we would have seccess but if we go half way we wont make it. the funny thing is that think of skiing if you only go half way or dont put all your energy into it well you wont make it to the bottom too quickly but starting out strong and finishing strong. our father in heaven knows the people we can help so when the first person pops into your head dont go back on it move foreword on it. Progression is the way to life. there are lots of people that don't like change but the truth is like my dad always has told me its just a way of life. so let the lord change the people inside of us and the people around us!! let us be a progressing people! just like Amuleck was he was a less active person who changed the work of salvation forever!! and well he changed and let in the prophet of the lord to help him change the world.
I hope you all have a great week!! love you all and well pray for you all everyday!!!
Elder Jaymes Monson
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