Hello, hope everyone is just doing great.
I just want to sing something to my wonderful Mother. she is the best in the whole world. hope you all know that I wouldn't change my mom for any mom in the world because she is mine. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday best mom in the world happy birthday to you. there ya go mom happy birthday yesterday hope it was a awesome day hope you know how much i love you.
I just want to sing something to my wonderful Mother. she is the best in the whole world. hope you all know that I wouldn't change my mom for any mom in the world because she is mine. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday best mom in the world happy birthday to you. there ya go mom happy birthday yesterday hope it was a awesome day hope you know how much i love you.
This week was absolutely awesome. it was overly awesome I don't know how to explain it its like you order an Ice cream and they give you an extra spoon full free. that was my week it was probably one of the bests weeks in my mission I am telling you I know I have a year out in my mission this week but the truth is Elder Zambrano and I had an awesome week and well what payed it off was that we have some pretty choice people we are teaching. they are defiantly just in the right place at the right time. they are excepting the gospel at the right time in their lives. and it is really quite interesting how we find them. we usually find them from members but this time its the less actives. it is really quite interesting because these people that they haven't seen the inside of the church in awhile they are just showing up out of the blue to find us. they just say elders I have someone you need to meet. and all of a sudden these people are coming back to the church because they need to bring this person who they are helping to church. it is awesome. so we are doing twice the work at the same time. we are teaching two different people in which they are not members but they have someone who is. and well it is awesome. and its pretty nice to see how the gospel still is in these peoples lives as they help the person understand what they need to do. We found a young man last week named Freddy and wow he is defiantly chosen for this time to change his life just a little bit more. he is just all over the gospel he just cant get enough of it. he just literally eats it up that's what i need to take a picture of next, him eating up the gospel. he literally he just cant put down the gospel and he is always just wondering when will we come over again and well it is like 4 hours later and he wants us to come over to help him know more. he is a great guy.
But one of the most interesting thing i learned this week, we had 24 lessons this week, horrible numbers horrible. well they weren't that bad they were just a little low. and we were just scratching our heads just saying why why do these things happen like a person told us she didn't want to see us again and she was ready for baptism this week. we just sort of said wait what why does the devil have to do that. but the thing I learned this week was Patience. the power of Patience. the lord was like just wait a second my sons just wait i have a huge blessing coming. so we looked and Saturday was filled to the limit with lessons i felt the prompting to ask if we could have 8 lessons this day. boom, day comes we work our tails off and we come home with 9 lessons! 9 lessons what a blessing holy cow the blessing came and we were amazed we came home and sat down and well my companion and I were just looking at each other and I said lets get down and thank the lord for what he just did through us. What a blessing how big and how great it was. holy cows it was amazing how the lord worked through us he really tries us then he just shows the blessings. just like it says in Ether 12:6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.
the witness did come that's for sure. and i am so grateful for it.
Well this week will mark the 1 year mark and well next week I will write a little about how I have seen the changes from a year ago. I love this church. and love you all. the 26th will be a day that I didn't think would happen a year ago haha
Love you all
Elder Jaymes Monson
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