Well Hello!!!
Hope all is well where you are at. Here its pretty
crazy!!!! I just came back from an activity with my zone and ya its been a
pretty crazy day!!! tomorrow i get privileged with a new companion and
well i am supposedly his last companion in the mission. So that's cool and well
i might be privileged in four weeks with a new companion from the united states, its going to be a good four weeks with this Elder and then he is done!
(Just a little bit of bragging for Jaymes) As missionaries we make goals and well I
just talked with the Mission President and he told me that wow!!! he has never
seen such success in a new missionary like me he told me to keep it up and said
he was thinking Elder Picuasi was doing good but when Elder Picuasi told him
that "No its all My Companion, he has a goal in mind and just takes off with it".
He then said, "President He told me that when you said to try for a baptism every
week he took it to the next level and said as Nephi I will go and do!" My companion and I are doing well and
its the last day today. And well I am so glad to say that I will go and
do! Baptisms 4 weeks in a row!!! wahoo!!!!! the Picture is of Teresa
a 13 year old girl who followed Christ and entered the waters of baptism on
none other than a day known as Valentines day! isn't that interesting she was baptized by here
cousin Magdiel and she is just doing well. Her mom who just needs to be married
to her spouse is being baptized this Saturday! so its just been an answer to my
prayers and its been just a great experience to see them change.
I hope you have a great week!!! I will for sure because
the only way is up!!! we progress and progress and I will do my best. one thing
i have seen this week is the way the gospel changes peoples attitude as well.
one 17 year old young man is so exited for us to come over and teach and he just
runs to us when ever he sees us its is awesome!!!
Have a great day!!!
Love you all!!!!
Elder Jaymes Monson
You are my hands President Uchtdorf April 2010 http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2010/04/you-are-my-hands?lang=eng
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